Choosing the Best Mattress for Lower Back Pain
Sleeping is the only time your spinal muscles, ligaments, discs, and joints get to completely relax and rejuvenate. A good choice of mattress will go a long way in supporting this type of deep, healing sleep.
A laminectomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing part or all of the lamina (the back part of a vertebra that covers the spinal canal) to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots. It is often performed to treat conditions that cause spinal nerve compression, such as spinal stenosis, herniated discs, or bone spurs.
Pain relief for worn spinal disks
The fluid-filled cushions between the bones in your spine are called disks. They provide flexibility, allow for spine movement like flexion and extension, and act as shock absorbers.
Diabetes increases the risk of failure in spinal fusion procedures
A new study from orthopaedic researchers at The University of Toledo has found lumbar spinal fusion procedures are far more likely to fail in individuals with diabetes.
Upper Back Pain: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
If you suffer from upper back pain, it's time to reclaim your comfort and regain control of your daily life. Relief from this debilitating condition is within reach.
Lumbar decompression surgery: What to know
Lumbar decompression surgery aims to release compressed nerves in the lower back. This procedure may ease pain and improve mobility in those with spinal conditions.
Segmental Instability
Segmental instability is a condition where the bones in your spine (vertebrae) move more than they should. This extra movement can cause pain and make it difficult to perform everyday activities. It usually occurs in the lower back (lumbar spine) but can happen in other parts of the spine too.
Nutrition and the Spine
Nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting the wellness of your bones including your vertebrae, but is often an overlooked component of spinal health. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet, the risk of debilitating issues from spinal degeneration and osteoporosis are reduced.
The Surprising Connection Between Neck Pain and Migraine Attacks
Neck pain is really common in people who have migraine. But there’s also another type of neck-triggered problem, known as a cervicogenic headache, which is a different beast altogether. To correctly treat your symptoms, it helps to figure out exactly what’s going on.
Your Osteoporosis is Treatable
Fortunately, over the past two decades there has been great progress with numerous new medications developed that have dramatically improved the ability of health care professionals to successfully treat osteoporosis, resulting in a decreased chance of suffering an osteoporotic bone fracture.